Monday, April 13, 2015

MacBeth Notes

"The great chain of being"-influences all actions in plays; differentiates good from bad and moral from immoral 

"Fair is foul and foul is fair" - considered action theme of play; literary device chiasmus 

Written for King James I and Shakespeare catered to his style
Also catered to readings when he referenced the devil and evil beings because they were seen as very real in this time period. 

Scene 1/2/3
 -Macbeth indirectly characterized (kills a lot of ppl)
 -MacBeth is going to be promoted situational irony reveals that audience knows but Macbeth doesn't 
 -Lady MacBeth is overall the evil character, not Mac Beth himself he is seen as the warrior, the power behind the throne lies in his wife 
 -"thane" is a noble term 
-Banquo jealous of Macbeths prophecy and questions why he isn't given a prophecy similar to Macbeths 
-Macbeth feels like if he's starting to become king he doesn't really need to do anything. But he's also thinking about what he can do to make it come faster. 
-"Come what come may time and the hour runs through the roughest day" 

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