Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Final Paper

1. In this course we have been treated as colleagues among one another and among Dr. Preston. With this comes a high level of trust. I think we have all deserved this level of trust after spending many years in an education system without trust. Along with this, I think we have also honored it immensely because we finally got the freedom to control our own learning.

2. One piece of literary work that we read that I feel like really describes part of my journey was Hamlet. I felt like in a way, a lot of what he went through is still very relateable to the modern day teenager.

3. I have reconnected with a passion that drives me. I feel like throughout this year I have been put in a lot of positions where I have to remind myself to be kind and to give kindness and I feel like that is a big part of my passion. Not only is it to give a helping hand to the people around me, but also to all of the creatures that we share Earth with.

4. One thing about this course that made me laugh to myself are all of our side conversations as well as mine and Haleys comments to each other throughout each class period.

5. A unifying theme between at least 5 presentations is the human behavior, such as how and why we think certain things, how we adapt, how we percieve things, etc.

6. I feel like I responded to my call to adventure extremely well. I saw an opportunity being placed in front of me and I soaked up all of the adventure that lied within it to the absolute best of my ability.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Richard Cory Analysis

Title: The title "Richard Cory" is a good lead into the poem. Much like in many poems it isn't very ambiguous and after reading the poem it's easy to understand the meaning behind the title. Although this is sort of what the poem is about, it's much more about the people who are watching him because they see Richard Cory as a standard in which they are trying to reach. 

Diction: Creates a rhythmic diction by rhyming every other line. He uses indirect characterization and is able to through his diction. The author didn't use extremely advanced diction but it was very proper. What made his diction stand out is the way he put his words together.

Shift: Shift occurs in last paragraph. His diction becomes bland and begins to talk more about those watching him and what they are doing rather than Richard Cory and what he was doing. After the shift author used understatement when he says Richard Cory kills himself. 

Tone: The tone of Richard Cory is created by the authors diction. I feel that the tone is quietly observant. It seems to be written from an outside point of view, somebody or a group of people who has been watching Richard Cory. 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Poetry Multiple Choice Practce

1. C- determined rage

2. A- Line 16

3. B- Challenging Preparedness

4. A- The various ways of characterization of men 

5. E- "Men... Sun in flight."

1. C- An allegory for human idiosyncrasies 

3. D- Satirical Exposition 

4. B- Admonition

5. C- Euphimism 

6. B-Alert

7. B- Line 13

8. E- Fantastically human 

9. A- meant the piece to be a statement 

10. E- Satirical disapproval 

Monday, April 27, 2015


Play is about deceit and power struggles. 

Lady Macbeth dies, Macbeth a brutal death, everyone wants him dead. 

Play comes back around full circle to the beginning when Macbeth was a brutal force

Until Macbeth is dead the Great Chain of Being is interrupted 

Macbeths morals
   -Feels trapped after 1st murder, lady Macvbwth and himself gets a lot more tense 
    -Continues to compound wrong doings throughout play and betrays friends and mental morality 
    -Relationships drive him to breakdown and disconnect from reality 

Macbeth brought suffering on others and brought instant karma upon himself, creates his own world of chaos. 

Appeal of death 
    -ultimate punishment 
    -reinforces cultural message 
    -shows a more severe version of life 
    -makes reality less severe 

Monday, April 13, 2015

MacBeth Notes

"The great chain of being"-influences all actions in plays; differentiates good from bad and moral from immoral 

"Fair is foul and foul is fair" - considered action theme of play; literary device chiasmus 

Written for King James I and Shakespeare catered to his style
Also catered to readings when he referenced the devil and evil beings because they were seen as very real in this time period. 

Scene 1/2/3
 -Macbeth indirectly characterized (kills a lot of ppl)
 -MacBeth is going to be promoted situational irony reveals that audience knows but Macbeth doesn't 
 -Lady MacBeth is overall the evil character, not Mac Beth himself he is seen as the warrior, the power behind the throne lies in his wife 
 -"thane" is a noble term 
-Banquo jealous of Macbeths prophecy and questions why he isn't given a prophecy similar to Macbeths 
-Macbeth feels like if he's starting to become king he doesn't really need to do anything. But he's also thinking about what he can do to make it come faster. 
-"Come what come may time and the hour runs through the roughest day" 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Poetry Analysis: Woman Work

Title: portrays the everyday work that the stereotypical woman does

Paraphrase: women are greatly under appreciated. All of the work that they do help fuel society and without it society wouldn't run as smoothly as it does.

Connotation: "Storm blow me from here.." This phrase stood out to me because the author is trying to portray how exhausted women are without directly coming out and saying it.

Attitude: The author's attitude seems to be very exhausted and almost sympathy seeking from the readers.

Shift: The tone/attitude of the author shifts after the the list of woman's duties is stated. Before this it very desperate and pleading and then after the author takes on a much more laid back and relaxed tone.

Title Revised: The title is a dead give away about what the poem is going to be about. The title is "Woman Work" and that is exactly what the poem is about.

Theme: I felt that there were two main themes throughout the poem. The first being that its okay to work hard, but its also okay to take a break from your work. The second theme I felt was significant is to not under appreciate the work that women do for the society.