Thursday, April 30, 2015

Poetry Multiple Choice Practce

1. C- determined rage

2. A- Line 16

3. B- Challenging Preparedness

4. A- The various ways of characterization of men 

5. E- "Men... Sun in flight."

1. C- An allegory for human idiosyncrasies 

3. D- Satirical Exposition 

4. B- Admonition

5. C- Euphimism 

6. B-Alert

7. B- Line 13

8. E- Fantastically human 

9. A- meant the piece to be a statement 

10. E- Satirical disapproval 

Monday, April 27, 2015


Play is about deceit and power struggles. 

Lady Macbeth dies, Macbeth a brutal death, everyone wants him dead. 

Play comes back around full circle to the beginning when Macbeth was a brutal force

Until Macbeth is dead the Great Chain of Being is interrupted 

Macbeths morals
   -Feels trapped after 1st murder, lady Macvbwth and himself gets a lot more tense 
    -Continues to compound wrong doings throughout play and betrays friends and mental morality 
    -Relationships drive him to breakdown and disconnect from reality 

Macbeth brought suffering on others and brought instant karma upon himself, creates his own world of chaos. 

Appeal of death 
    -ultimate punishment 
    -reinforces cultural message 
    -shows a more severe version of life 
    -makes reality less severe 

Monday, April 13, 2015

MacBeth Notes

"The great chain of being"-influences all actions in plays; differentiates good from bad and moral from immoral 

"Fair is foul and foul is fair" - considered action theme of play; literary device chiasmus 

Written for King James I and Shakespeare catered to his style
Also catered to readings when he referenced the devil and evil beings because they were seen as very real in this time period. 

Scene 1/2/3
 -Macbeth indirectly characterized (kills a lot of ppl)
 -MacBeth is going to be promoted situational irony reveals that audience knows but Macbeth doesn't 
 -Lady MacBeth is overall the evil character, not Mac Beth himself he is seen as the warrior, the power behind the throne lies in his wife 
 -"thane" is a noble term 
-Banquo jealous of Macbeths prophecy and questions why he isn't given a prophecy similar to Macbeths 
-Macbeth feels like if he's starting to become king he doesn't really need to do anything. But he's also thinking about what he can do to make it come faster. 
-"Come what come may time and the hour runs through the roughest day" 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Poetry Analysis: Woman Work

Title: portrays the everyday work that the stereotypical woman does

Paraphrase: women are greatly under appreciated. All of the work that they do help fuel society and without it society wouldn't run as smoothly as it does.

Connotation: "Storm blow me from here.." This phrase stood out to me because the author is trying to portray how exhausted women are without directly coming out and saying it.

Attitude: The author's attitude seems to be very exhausted and almost sympathy seeking from the readers.

Shift: The tone/attitude of the author shifts after the the list of woman's duties is stated. Before this it very desperate and pleading and then after the author takes on a much more laid back and relaxed tone.

Title Revised: The title is a dead give away about what the poem is going to be about. The title is "Woman Work" and that is exactly what the poem is about.

Theme: I felt that there were two main themes throughout the poem. The first being that its okay to work hard, but its also okay to take a break from your work. The second theme I felt was significant is to not under appreciate the work that women do for the society.