Friday, November 7, 2014

Act 3 Hamlet Notes

Hamlet is told to act natural and not give off any weird vibes. 
Polonius understand what hamlet is saying and respects that it is fret advice. 
Hamlet knows what he is doing and is absolutely in charge of the plan that he is putting together. He is a smart and diplomatic schemer 
Hamlet kills the wrong guy and is forced to leave in order to get to safety. 
Directly after hamlet kills Polonius (on accident) the ghost appears to remind him to spare Gertrude 
Hamlet loses his temper and self control and says it like it is for the first time. 
Has to learn how to deal with the stress and anger of killing someone and having the guilt of killing the wrong person. 
Includes female humor throughout the play in order to break the tension. 
The play proceeds
Hamlet strikes Claudius then lets him go in order to force him to deal with the guilt. 
Hamlet jokes about wiring plays for a living. 
Audience walks away from the play in denial to what is actually happening around them. 
The play is used to find out whether or not they are guilty and you do react guiltily. 
The scene ends with hamlet carrying Polonius' body off. 
Claudius tries to send Hamlet off to England escorted by Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. 
Hamlet stops acting like he doesn't know that his mom and Claudius are guilty. 
Performative utterance: speach as transformative action

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